This video is about all of the modifications that you can do with your Shaved Ice. You can add what we call toppers, like you would do with an Ice Cream, or you can use Add-Ins, which would be something like Ice Cream that you add to the center or bottom of your Shaved Ice.

We also look at additional products that you can sell along side your shaved ice or even sell separate from your shaved ice in an off-season like winter. Some of these items might be Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Soup, Sandwiches, Soda, Crepes, Waffles, etc.

We make an announcement concerning the Smart Snacks in School program that was started by Michelle Obama. We now have a supplement that you can add to your shaved ice to make it a healthy snack allowing you to serve it to kids in school.

This video is about all of the modifications that you can do with your Shaved Ice. You can add what we call toppers, like you would do with an Ice Cream, or you can use Add-Ins, which would be something like Ice Cream that you add to the center or bottom of your Shaved Ice. […]