Snowie Financing Options Through Lending Partners
Snowie Shaved Ice offers financing options for shaved ice through partners so that you can start into the wonderful world of shaved ice. For anyone who wants to venture out on their own, or those who just want a little something extra to supplement their income. Through our financing options we provide you with buildings, carts, kiosks, shaved ice machines, flavors, accessories, everything you need to be in business for yourself. Not only do we provide you with all of the equipment, but we will also provide you with the best education in the industry. All you have to do is select a location or venue for you new business! We currently have thousands of independent owners all across the world, bringing shaved ice to everyone with a desire to quench a unique thirst and cool off.
Advantage Plus
Snowie Shaved Ice has partnered with Advantage+ to offer financing for your equipment purchase. The process is quick and simple!
Advantage+ is a nationwide direct business lender with over 32 years of experience serving small and medium size businesses.
When you finance with Advantage+ you can include 100% of the expenses (shipping, tax, permits, installation and more).
Apply online to get started today!