Webinar 32 – Post your Snowie Shaved Ice Business Location… Now!
Jason and I go through and discuss the new(ish) location page on snowie.com. I say new(ish) because many of you are still unaware that you can post your location and business on this site. The actual page is https://snowie.com/locations
This allows you to post your Shaved Ice Business Location where vendors, event organizers, customers, venues, etc. will be able to locate your business or be able to contact you to do business with them.
I have written more information on this blog entry: https://snowie.com/news/webinar-32-post-your-snowie-shaved-ice-business-location-now/
Jason and I go through and discuss the new(ish) location page on snowie.com. I say new(ish) because many of you are still unaware that you can post your location and business on this site. The actual page is https://snowie.com/locations This allows you to post your Shaved Ice Business Location where vendors, event organizers, customers, venues, etc. […]