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    SportVot with its expertise in grassroots, community sports offered a comprehensive advertising and marketing solution to both brands. Through a 360-degree approach, SportVot ensured that the event received maximum visibility and engagement across digital and physical channels. From in-stream digital advertisements to social media campaigns, from on-ground branding to interactive activations, every aspect was meticulously curated to enhance brand value and audience engagement. The partnership was not merely transactional; it was a strategic alignment of values and objectives. Storia provided refreshing beverages to keep participants hydrated and energized, while Decathlon contributed as the gifting partner, adding excitement and rewards to the tournament.

    The collaboration and campaign for both brands yielded remarkable results. The tournament garnered a digital viewership of over 65k+, while Storia and Decathlon reaffirmed their position as champions of women in sports. But beyond the numbers, the event served as a testament to the potential of sports as a catalyst for brand building and image enhancement.

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