How to winterize your Snowie Shaved Ice Stand
We are now quickly approaching that dreaded cold season, when we need to shut down our stands and hibernate our Shaved Ice businesses for the winter. Except for those lucky ones that live in a climate that caters to shaved ice year round, you will definitely want to watch this video and perform these steps to winterize your Snowie Shaved Ice stand.
In addition to this video, we also send manuals with all of our stands that contain water systems. So you can look for instruction there as well. If you do not have one because you purchased it from someone else, please contact us, and we will be happy to send a copy to you.
We created this video because, even with the manuals, we still get a fair amount of questions concerning the process for winterizing and de-winterizing your Snowie Shaved Ice stand. This will also act as a reminder that you must to winterize your shaved ice stand.
Bronco visually walks us through the process of winterizing your stand, and quickly talks us through the process for de-winterizing as well. Please follow these instructions carefully, because if you do not go through this process, you may face many issues, the most costly being that you will need to replace your hot water heater.
Also, remember to always feel free to contact us. We are happy to walk you through anything you need to accomplish with your stand, shaver, flavors, etc.
– Snowie
We are now quickly approaching that dreaded cold season, when we need to shut down our stands and hibernate our Shaved Ice businesses for the winter. Except for those lucky ones that live in a climate that caters to shaved ice year round, you will definitely want to watch this video and perform these steps […]