We were invited to a Breast Cancer Run Event that started at 6:30 AM. Due to some work I had late into the night before, it threw me off for this event that next morning.

What I really am trying to show you in this video is how easy it is to run a Shaved Ice stand with Snowie. In this scenario, it was the Snowie Bus which I had prepped the night before. However, I did not bring any starting money, and since I was on my own, I did not have anyone there to help me chase that forgotten item.

My two neighbors had shown up, a Mother and a Daughter, and asked if they could volunteer for the event. I said, “volunteer nothing, I will pay you, hop in here!” They had never done Shaved Ice before in their lives and within 5 minutes, they were shaving like pros.

Even when your day gets spun upside down because you had a lapse in brain function, Snowie makes it easy to recover.

We were invited to a Breast Cancer Run Event that started at 6:30 AM. Due to some work I had late into the night before, it threw me off for this event that next morning. What I really am trying to show you in this video is how easy it is to run a Shaved […]