How to Participate
- Try the Snowie Mystery Flavor (Either by visiting a Snowie Stand near you OR purchase the flavor here on
- Submit your guess below OR via social media; Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #snowiemysteryflavor (your account must be public for Snowie to see your submissions)
- If you guess the flavor correct, you’ll be added to the drawing for a chance to win a Little Snowie 2 home ice shaver to be announced August 16th 2017.
Have you tasted the Snowie Mystery Flavor? Think you know what it is? Submit your guess below. You can submit up to 4 times (one time per option below; (1) Facebook, (2) Twitter, (3) Instagram, and (4) the form below).
Submit your guess via social media using the hashtag #SnowieMysteryFlavor
Guess on Facebook Guess on Twitter Guess on InstagramOR
Submit your guess below
Be sure not to submit your guess until you’ve tasted the flavor.
[woobox offer=’umhp4q’]Make sure to follow Snowie, as it is a complex flavor, so we will send out periodic hints to help you in your quest. If you do guess, or come close to the actual flavor, you will be added to a winners pool from which we will randomly select the winner of a new Little Snowie 2 Ice Shaver!
By participating in this contest you agree to the contest rules. Up to 4 submission p/person via our 4 platforms; (1) Facebook, (2) Twitters, (3) Instagram (using the hashtag #snowiemysteryflavor), or (4) via the website Submissions via private accounts on Instagram and Facebook are not eligible for this contest. Guessing the flavor correctly does not entitle you to a win the contest, it adds you to a pool of all those that have guessed the flavor correctly and Snowie will be drawing from those submissions to reveal the winner of the Little Snowie 2 home ice shaver after August 16th.