The Midwest is being blasted by unacceptably cold weather. Schools are closed, flights are canceled, socks are being worn in fours and it was 21 degrees below zero in Chicago this morning. So we decided to have some fun with those of you in this cold weather. Your challenge is to go outside, make some nice big snowballs and put them on a plate next to spaghetti. Call your kids or your husband or wife (or whoever) in for dinner and when they get to the table, serve it to them. Record it and upload your video to YouTube with the title: “Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I Made Spaghetti and Snowballs.” Once you post your video, keep an eye out for a message from us on your YouTube account. We’ll put the best reactions on the show next week.Who better to serve up snowballs that Snowie Shaved Ice! We took their challenge and you can see the result in the video below. You can see his video challenge here:
Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I Made Spaghetti and Snowballs.
Jimmy Kimmel recently offered the challenge to for anyone to shoot a video titled “Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I Made Spaghetti and Snowballs.” Here’s the challenge: