Category Archives: Promotions
Snowie 12 Days of Christmas Deals
Ahh, the Twelve Days of Christmas! You know that song that never seems to end and people try to calculate the value of what it would really cost to have [...]
View PostDec
Snowie Halloween Zombie Flavor Sale
It’s October and you have parties to host! Are you wondering what could put you over the top this year as the best party host ever? It is the Little [...]
View PostOct
Contests Promotions
Be eligible for Local Media Coverage of your Snowie Shaved Ice Business
Hello all of you fabulous Snowie owners out there. We have a lot of incredible things in the works, and one of our major focuses is helping to increase your [...]
View PostDec
Snowie Shaved Ice Instagram Contest
[threecol_one] [/threecol_one] [threecol_two_last] Obviously we think Shaved Ice is the coolest treat ever. To celebrate this incredible concoction, we are launching our first Instagram contest industry wide. Meaning, if you [...]
View PostOct